“If the US government kidnapped you and took you out for a steak dinner and gave you a feeling of ecstasy, how would you regard that?” asked Elaine Douglass, MUFON State Director for Utah and Board Editor, Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research (JAR). Ms. Douglass spoke to The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition, comparing alien abduction to illegal CIA rendition and MKULTRA mind-control torture. Her remarks highlighted the case of Roy Wells, an abductee whose hypnotic regressions under hypnotherapist Deborah Lindemann revealed a series of startling memories that described events taking place in a deep black world of government/ET collusion that reads like a galactic Taguba Report. The Roy Wells story, as reported in both JAR 8 and JAR 9, includes both the use of leashes on human beings and naked parading of men and women before military and intelligence services personel. The Taguba Report is the common name for a US military inquiry conducted in 2004 into intentional abuses of prisoners being held at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Readers can request their own free copy of JAR 9 by sending their request to [email protected].
Story continues at Vancouver UFO Examiner for Examiner.com.
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