The Australian
Associated Press reported on March 6, 2013, how Australian actor Russell Crowe photographed
lights in Sydney’s Botanical Gardens that the “Gladiator” star is at a loss to
explain. Three time-lapse photographs posted to YouTube show what appear to be
the motion trails of lights moving at tree-top and ground level across the
image frame of a camera supported on a tripod.
While the
images seem to reveal the profile of a disc-shaped vehicle in flight, other photographers
are identifying these forms as the artifacts of long time exposures.
Slow Shutter
If seen
with the naked eye (and there is no eye-witness account accompanying the video)
these lights would have appeared as point sources and not the elongated streaks
shown in the photos. Like the telephone admittedly thrown by the star of “The
Insider” at a New York hotel clerk in 2005, the origins of Russell Crowe’s UFO
may not be so mysterious after all.
Watch the Video
Click here
to watch “UFO? Time Lapse Photos Outside RC's Woolloomooloo Office
(THESE ARE REAL!)” posted by “Gladiator” actor Russell Crowe to YouTube.
Listen to Podcast
Click on the player below to listen to a podcast news update on the “Secret
Message Report” discussing “The Insider”’s Russell Crowe and his UFO video
presented by former CBS Radio feature producer and host, Jon Kelly.
Click here to watch "Breakdown - Russell Crowe UFO Mystery Solved" on YouTube.
Follow the Light
A close
inspection of the images in the Russell Crowe video reveals how the trail of
light moving near ground level that accompanies the supposed UFO is actually
the brighter of the two sources of illumination, suggesting how the artifact that
appears to be flying through the trees is actually second-hand light reflected
from the lower source bouncing off of a filter or one of the camera’s multiple internal
lens elements.
Celebrity Benefit
While there
is likely to be a mundane explanation for Russell Crowe’s UFO photos, the positive
social impact of his celebrity disclosure can be measured by the number of
YouTube viewers encouraged by his video to share testimony of their own encounters.
In a CIA
Robertson Panel agenda-dominated media landscape, the award-winning actor’s assertions
concerning the existence of UFOs reveal the gradual capitulation to this
hypothesis even by some of the most hated and revered personalities in the
movie industry.
Letter to Larry
In a letter
written in 2009 posted on March 5, 2013, to the Open Minds website, American
film director Steven Spielberg reportedly wrote to then-CNN host Larry King the
following comments:
“Personally, I would like to think we are not alone, and
even though I have devoted a generous percentage of my movies to
extraterrestrial related themes, I for one have never seen a UFO. That is so
unfair! (sic)
“I hope you will continue to pursue this topic on your
program, and that some day our government will offer a total disclosure about
what they know about unidentified flying objects and their true and natural
The Tweets So Far
Postings to
Twitter over the past 14 hours by “A Beautiful Mind” actor Russell Crowe
chronicle the release of his UFO photos to YouTube and detail the type of
camera used, how the camera was mounted, why the camera was recording, the length
of the exposures, the lights’ projected rate of speed and how the photos are
actually three years old.
UFO Report: “UFO? Time Lapse Photos Outside RC's
Woolloomooloo Office (THESE ARE REAL!)”
Camera Used: “Canon 5D, No Flash, can't be a lense flare
because it moves , camera is fixed”
No Windows: “The camera is on a balcony not behind glass”
Why Photos: “A friend and i set camera to capture fruit bats
rising from Botanic Gardens,this was a big surprise”
Time Lapse: “It's not a video it is 3 time lapse photo's
taken in 4.5 seconds”
Not Photoshopped: “That is the original photo's you egg
Mystery: “3 time lapse photo's taken from balcony,not behind
glass, 3 years ago, I don't know what it is, but to call it fake is moronic”
Projected Speed: “We considered that...but to cover that
distance in 4.5 secs it would have to be travelling at 80km per hour”
Not Recent: “Good attempt, photo's were taken 3 years
ago...however you dropping the ball over the try line continuously did give me
a migraine”
Zoom: “I will grant you at the time the music wasn't
playing, also, yes, we have pushed in on the frame..this is 3 photo's in order,
nothing added”
Why Now: “I've been busy...remembered it the other day...”
YouTube Community Responds
posted beneath the YouTube video titled “UFO? Time Lapse Photos Outside
RC's Woolloomooloo Office (THESE ARE REAL!)” demonstrate how reasonable skepticism from
viewers not convinced of the lights’ supposed extraterrestrial origins points
to other theories including lens refraction and reflections from a number of
possible sources including yachts moored offshore, automobile traffic and
refraction from car headlights driving down the road outside the building.”
it makes Russell happy, let him believe it is a UFO and not some light
“It's probably just a guy riding a bike past the camera
with lights on his helmet.”
“My guess is a reflection from stopped/crawling traffic.”
“Flasing siren lights ( red/yellow ) from a vehicle or craft
that have been caught on film via "caustic" relection, possibly via a
curved glass balcony balustrade.”
“Someone shining a laser pointer at the camera?”
“How's about funding some sort of UFO investigation
starring a nobody like me and a somebody like you?”
“It's a AR DRONE 2.0. Check out ar drone 2.0 Australia on
Facebook and see what I'm taking about.”
“If this was time lapse photography then that could just be
a plane?”
“It's streetlights, you can see the tubes.”
“Could it be in fact a beacon from the top of a ship's mast
in the marina in front of his location????”
“A car in the opposite window from where the camera was
positioned as it looks like there are actually two red light trails quite close
“This is a dark truck riding near camera.”
“It could be the port light on a yacht's mast going into the
marina at Woolloomooloo.”
“A paparazzi drone waiting to get a time lapse of him.”
“Reflected light from a passing car outside the fence.”
“It's an internal reflection from the car headlights, caused
by a filter being on the lens. Take the filter off and the reflection will go
“It's just a yacht motoring by... and you're just catching
the mast.”
“Most likely just a tiny piece of US surveillance
technology that he accidentally caught.”
“That UFO looks a whole lot like a window reflection of a
work lamp.”
“Russ's place is near the end of the wharf, the shot is
taken looking west towards the botanic gardens and Mrs Macquarie's Rd.
“In the video you see 2 cars
drive along Mrs Macquaries Rd, keeping in mind it's a time lapse shot with the
shutter open for a number of seconds. The 'UFO' lights are a yacht passing in
the foreground... there are lots of millionaires yachts moored there.”
Positive Outcome
While Russell Crowe may not have captured photographic proof
of life from outer space, the actor’s willingness to engage the public on this
topic has encouraged others (who may not have otherwise stepped forwards) to disclose
their personal experiences, including the following brief testimonies posted to
“I live in melbourne and about 10 years ago I saw weird
stuff in the skies whilst living in malvern. One night about 12.30am I was
sitting outside and a totally silent object twice the size of a helicopter flew
at fairly low altitude over my house and kept traveling towards the dandenongs.
It just appeared as a constant white/yellowish light and I couldn't see any
structure to it.”
“Looks real to me , my brother inlaw and his mum saw one
like that at their house in portsea many years ago , over the house .
completely silent and was very bright as he described it , they ran down the
street cos they thought the colors coming off it was gonna make them catch on
“I actually saw something red flying around in Melbourne the
other day.. was a bit confused on what it was but i thought it was balloon,
but then i thought if it was a balloon it would be making more of a floating
(C) 2013 All Rights Reserved This article may not be reposted in its entirety without the permission of the author.
In an
exclusive interview released March 4, 2013, a Mobile, Alabama senior citizens
caregiver described growing up as an empath and contactee by relating a series
of encounters with entities from other dimensions that began in early childhood.
Richard Pangan explained how these incidents involving reptilians,
psychokinesis, Nordics, telepathy, UFOs and seeing the moon from the inside of
a spacecraft during his one-hour talk with the “Secret Message Report” podcast.
“He looked
me in the eyes and I was sent electricity,” recalled the interior design and
auto enthusiast.
it was at the age of three when Richard Pangan first experienced contact with
an ancient Egyptian-styled “Snake King.” The contact precipitated a
demonstration of psychokinesis reminiscent of a scene from the 1977 film “Close
Encounters of the Third Kind.”
Toy Motility
In the
film, character three-year-old Barry Guiler of Muncie, Indiana is awakened
in the night when his toys start operating on their own in a way that
foreshadows approaching contact with ETs. Empath Pangan stated “I believe this reptilian Snake-King
allowed me a passage to use this type of energy. I looked back at the toy, started
focussing and the toy [without batteries] started crawling again.”
Watch Preview
Click here
to watch an exciting YouTube preview of “UFO and ET Contacts in Mobile, AL:
Empath Richard Pangan on the Secret Message Report.” During this exclusive
interview, the senior citizens caregiver tells of his experiences with
reptilians, psychokinesis, Nordics, telepathy, UFOs, seeing the moon from the
inside of a spacecraft and much more.
Stream Podcast
Click on the Player below to listen to the 60 minute podcast of “UFO and ET Contacts in Mobile, AL:
Empath Richard Pangan on the Secret Message Report.” During this exclusive
interview, the senior citizens caregiver tells of his experiences with
reptilians, psychokinesis, Nordics, telepathy, UFOs, seeing the moon from the
inside of a spacecraft and much more.
schoolyard encounter with a blue spandex-wearing Nordic being “from the future”
who touched his shoulder incited a “download” of “every piece of information“ the
empathy believes one might require in an entire lifetime. “It was kind of like
a train going through my head with classical masterpieces and landmarks of
information. I started hearing music composed by masters. Art, everything just
became clear.”
The seniors
caregiver’s family and friends were having contacts of their own including a
luminous presence that interrupted an after-school gathering at home. “My
cousin was in his bedroom playing his video games. He said that a red light
came into his room and scanned his eyes. He looked out the window and [saw] a
UFO” go over the neighbor’s house.
From this
nearby perspective, his cousin told the other boys how he could see that the
UFO had hieroglyphs, a door and columns on its exterior making it resemble what
could be construed as an ancient Mediterranean temple-like craft.
Waking Up
It was only
a matter of months before waking up during night-time contacts allowed Richard
Pangan to gauge where these events were leading him. “I was on the spacecraft,” he told the
“Secret Message Report.”
walking around with beings. They’re not like us but for some reason, I’m not
scared. They’re educating me. They’re showing me what I believe could have been
the bottom half of the moon. Or it could have been some kind of TV projection.
They were calling it different names.
“I looked
over to my right and I realized my aunt’s [his primary caregiver] not anywhere
near me and I’m in a spacecraft. You can actually feel yourself that far away
from home. I look over to my right and there’s an alien. They’re looking back
at me. They knew that I had just snapped out of the vibration that they had me
in. They didn’t want me to remember.
“The alien
told me, telepathically, he looked at me and goes “Your vibration cannot be
here. We have to get you back home.”
Month of Mars
October, 2013
marks the 75th anniversary of the infamous 1938 “Mercury Theatre on
the Air” production of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds.” In the 19th
century novel, intelligent Martians use “heat-ray” technology to defeat human
defenses in an alien invasion of earth.
One of the
most successful media psyops of its time, the broadcast is said to have incited
widespread outrage and panic amongst civilians, setting the stage for what has
become one of the most over-used tropes in modern radio, television and film.
In a 2011 broadcast
of what can now be understood as an appeal to “fake alien invasions” (as explained by
Dr. Werner von Braun through Dr. Carol Rosin), economist Paul Krugman told CNN
how "If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to
attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat and
really inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this slump
would be over in 18 months.”
What has
been lost amidst this racket (which includes the noise pollution surrounding
today’s phobic “War on Terror” and “War on Drugs”) is how the sun’s rays and
not those of the planet Mars are bombarding us with heat from space on a daily
basis (with gentle plant photosynthesis as one of the consequences).
How is it
that the testimony from UFO and ET contact experiencers like Richard Pangan
resemble the plots of blockbuster movies? It’s not that such similarities can
be construed as a cause for doubt of the relative truthfulness of these
What is
required is an understanding of how society will never be contained within a
scientific laboratory vacuum. Culture-savvy UFO witnesses are naturally steeped
in ideas impressed upon them through repeated long-term exposure to radio,
television and films.
In some
cases, events seen in movies become reference points to help further our
understanding when narrating real-life events. Where memory is unclear, the
boundaries between fiction and reality can become confused.
Compare the
following statements:
testimony of empath Richard Pangan: “One of the aliens, his finger was lighting
up and it touched my forehead where the pineal gland is located. And it did
something. I don’t what it did but it touched my head and left.”
from 1982 film “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”:
[solemnly] Stay...
E.T.: [puts
his finger to his glowing heart] Ouch.
[mimics the same action, tearfully] Ouch.
E.T.: [E.T.
and Elliot embrace each other, then E.T. puts his glowing finger to Elliot's
forehead] I'll... be... right... here.
[tearfully] ... bye.
spent some time immersed in the UFO and paranormal culture of the southern
United States, this reporter appreciates the rich tapestry of experiences
available to populations residing in these areas and how the portrayal of
similar events in blockbuster films that predate those experiences can just as
easily be understood as cases of truth that is stranger than fiction or life
that imitates art.
Touch for Consciousness
Initiation by touch is called sparśa dīkṣā in Sanskrit-based cultures. Like the touch of Jesus that cured
the leper, seniors caregiver Richard Pangan tells of his awakening into deep
knowledge through a touch on his shoulder by a Nordic ET. “It was kind of like
a train going through my head with classical masterpieces and landmarks of
information. I started hearing music composed by masters. Art, everything just
became clear.”
In the Shiva
Tantra tradition of yoga, the touch of the Guru transfers powers of awakening
to the disciple.
Acarya Kuldipji of Godda, India related the following story: "I went to see
Baba [his Guru] in the ashram one winter night but no one was there, not even
the ashram manager. So I went to sleep and when I woke up early in the morning
I saw Baba through the window coming in through the gate. I quickly threw on my
clothes. By that time Baba was standing on the veranda reading the notice
board. I did sastaunga pranam in front of Baba, and as I was getting up Baba
touched my body and I fell down to the ground unconscious. When I came to my senses,
I found that Baba was standing over me smiling. I asked him what he had done to
me, whether he wanted to kill me or not. Baba told me that I had developed some
pride in my spiritual power and he had come to put an end to that pride. I
tried to get up but my body was extremely sluggish; none of my limbs were
working. There was only the two of us. Baba told me to try to get up. I tried
several times but I could not do it. My body had become totally inactive. Baba
then went into his room and from inside his room I could hear Baba shouting for
me to try and get up. I shouted back that how could I get up in this condition.
He called out that I should keep trying. Finally, after many attempts, I was
able to get up and go to him in his room. Baba asked me whether the pride of
power in me was finished or not. I told him that it was finished. Baba asked me
whose power it was. I told him that it was all his power."
Song 991 in
the Prabhat Samgiita musical tradition expresses this sentiment by stating how
“But by the soft touch of Your hand, in my mind, illuminations
Pangan’s perspective on the psychokinesis-inducing nature of the “Snake King”
that he encountered as a child provides insight into that character’s ancient
Egyptian-like qualities. What follows is this reporter’s consideration of how reports
from ancient Sanskrit culture provide additional parallels indicating how
phenomena known to diverse ancient societies continue to manifest for the
people of today.
Shesha is the snake king portrayed as an avatar of Visnu, the Rg Vedic sky-god,
in the Sanskrit Bhāgavata Purāṇa whose uncoiling signals the
advancement of time (in a way that mirrors the inaugural qualities of the March
vernal equinox) and creation of the universe.
characteristics of Ananta Shesha are reflected within the yogic physiology of
the human body as the Kundalinii (Skt. “Coiled Serpentine”) and the Sahasrara
(Western Occultism “Crown”) chakra. When the kundalinii is awakened, it begins
to move upwards until it is resolved within the Sahasrara. Under these
conditions, the experiencer perceives that their mind has become totally
absorbed in Cosmic Consciousness, an indescribable state of bliss known as
condition of consciousness reveals an underlying common meaning behind the
portrayal of crowned serpents such as those seen in iconic representations of
Visnu and the Uraeus of ancient Egypt.
occurrence of both the Egyptian and South Asian figures express a “serpent in
the crown” ideal (one whose mass effect remains incomplete on this planet) of higher
consciousness-enabled benevolent guidance and leadership in human society.
Occult Powers
psychokinetic Siddhi (Skt. “Occult
Power”) related by Richard Pangan in his telling of the “Snake King” encounter
coincides with known phenomena of the kundalinii expressed within the
environments of awakened individuals. These powers are usually-latent natural gifts
within the range of normal human potential whose siren persuasions can
influence the outcomes of lifetimes spent in spiritual practices and
Tantra there is a conception of how spiritual individuals at the horizon of
ecstasy will remain attached (against the concept of Pratyahara, or yogic “Sense-Withdrawal”) to the application of
siddhis in everyday life and the feelings resulting from their use. This
concept explains further that while such personalities may have exhausted their
inventory of karma related to physical and instinctual desires, but had not
used their human lifetime to resolve some of the inharmonious dissonance within
their higher minds.
As a
consequence, their minds have no attraction to a physical body at the time of
death. As there was no complete merger with Cosmic Consciousness during their
human lifetime, these advanced beings can only reincarnate in a form whose
elemental structure contains three elements (compared with the human pāñca-bhautikaḥ
or “Five-Elements” body).
physical and liquid elements found in the human body are missing, leaving only
the luminous, gaseous and etheric elements. Such beings are called Devas and they manifest as luminous
beings of light under special conditions in the presence of humans.
Luminous UFOs
luminous UFO and micro-UFO incidents can be explained as encounters with devas.
Such encounters include descriptions and videos of evident intelligent behavior
accompanied by lack of apparent physical structure. In these cases, the UFOs are
most notable for displays of a brilliant self-luminous illuminated character.
reporter’s video catalogue is populated with UFOs of the unstructured luminous
type, both seen overhead and those seen nearby and indoors as micro-expressions.
Seven Types of Deva
The following
text outlines seven types of devayoniis as understood from within the
Microvitum hypothesis of P.R. Sarkar.
“Devayonii means “an entity which has a number of divine
qualities” or a positive microvita. Of the seven types of microvita below, all
can be positive, and some are negative. The name, devayonii, is still used to
describe all of them. These microvita species gives some indication of the
variety and types of positive and negative microvita.
“In ancient times, the sages of India described seven
species or groups of entities (devayoiis) which fit Sarkar’s description of
positive microvita: yaksa, gandhara, vigyadhara, kinnara, siddha, prakrtillina,
and videhaliina. Each of these seven species describes a large collection or
variety of different microvitum. Devayoiis is not an inclusive list of all the
categories of positive microvita.
“Hence, the basic concept of microvita is not new but has a
history. Certain subtle types of microvita were described in India as
devayoniis in the distant past. Devayonii is a name for a specific group of
microvita, although this term (devayonii) is not nearly as comprehensive as the
term microvita.
“Like an ideational cloud, these microvita can come to an
individual and influence his or her mind in crude and subtle ways. When
organized into a devayonii, these microvita are like intelligent beings that
move about the universe. Devayoniis are primarily collections of species of
microvita, but they are also disembodied souls who were spiritually evolved but
retain some samskara that results in them becoming devayonii. These function
loosely in the manner of ghosts, and they may be luminous. Devayoniis are not
ghosts in the sense of the souls of dead people who haunt the earth on their on
volition, which is not possible in Tantra philosophy. Devayoniis are
exceptional individuals who developed spiritually but fell short by some
defect. After they exhaust some of their samskara (karma), they are reborn.
“When a person dies and becomes a devayonii, the ethereal
(aether), aerial (air), and luminous (sight) factors of their material body are
not lost but form the body of the devayonii, leaving behind on the earth the
solid and liquid factors of the body. These three factors, plus the person’s
mind and samskara (latent karma) combine to form the devayonii.
“Yaks’a. The yaks’a microvita are a collection of
microvita that cause a specific effect. When attacked by the yaksa microvita,
individuals develop insatiable greed and an intense desire to acquire wealth.
This is a crude type of microvita.
“Gandharva. The group of microvita known as gandharva
microvita create a love for fine arts, especially music and dance. Musicians
and dancers will unconsciously (or consciously) cultivate a number of these
microvita and become intoxicated by rhythm, movement, and melody. These
microvita indulge the mind in subtle ideation and are generally positive and
friendly in nature.
“Kinnara. The collective group of kinnara microvita
arouse a thirst for beauty and decoration. Kinnara means “receptacle of beauty”
or “a beautiful and graceful structure.” These microvita incline a person to
beautifying the human body. They can be either a friend or enemy microvita
(positive or negative) and lead the mind toward either subtle or crude
“Vidya’dhara. The category known as vidya’dhara
create a desire to attain virtues and good qualities of character and intellectual
attainment. Individuals who come into contact with friend (positive)
vidya’dhara microvita are inspired to perform noble deeds that promote the
welfare of human society and become intellectuals. The negative (enemy)
vidya’dhara microvita arouse the mind to seek crude material gain though fame
and power.
“Prakrtiliina. The prakrtiliina category describes a
group of negative microvita that compel a person indulge themselves in crude
pleasures. These people avoid good company and rapidly become crude, negative,
and dogmatic. Their spiritual propensities are negligible. An example of the
positive form of prakrtiliina are people who worship idols may become objects,
such as wood or stone. However, they still desire the spiritual path and assist
“Videhaliina. This category of microvita is unusual
and reminiscent of the manic mental disorder. Videhaliina microvita create a
desire to run from one place to another, as if seeking something but only going
in circles. The mind becomes restless and confused and the person loses a sense
of the purpose of life. As positive microvita, they seek liberation but
complain about and are distracted by their misfortunes. They constantly beseech
God for emancipation to escape their woes.
“Siddha. This collective microvita initiates
spiritual longing. The human mind moves toward mystical and spiritual
experiences. The individual wants a more universal knowledge and enlightenment.
Unlike other types of microvita, this variety of microvita cannot be created or
directed by even enlightened men and women. They emanate from and are directed
by the Cosmic Mind.
“Sometimes people acquire occult powers in the spiritual
path and deviate from dharma (spiritual path) because their occult powers
(siddhis) become more important than the spiritual path. These individuals
become siddha after death. Still, they are the best and most useful of all the
devayoniis. They may function as aids or guardians. They are known to have
initiated certain great spiritualists in the past who had no Guru. These great
personalities were instructed in spiritual practices by siddha devayoniis.
“So even the highest of the devayonii were created by a
defect of character in a human being. They are forced to live out a half-alive
existence, drug down by a great mantle of microvita, whether it be positive or
negative microvita, and then they are reborn again as a living being.”
Seek the Great
retain their condition for a substantial period of time until they again
quality for human life and can complete the crowing mission of all incarnations
(or the real meaning of human life) which is understood in yoga as absolute
merger into the Great Supreme.
(C) 2013 All Rights Reserved This article may not be reposted in its entirety without the permission of the author.
An anticipated war with Iran could indicate how the US government intends to target UFO-friendly civilians at home with a newly-signed law permitting indefinite detention. From an Exopolitical perspective, conflict between the US and Iran could be described as an ideological struggle between competing interpretations of universal laws governing public contact with higher intelligence. Exopolitics is defined as "the science of relations between intelligent civilizations in the Universe."
UFO-related influences identified in ancient Iranian national symbols reveal how Iran may fit the profile of a society immune to ‘alien invasion’-related hysteria mass media programming agendas during psychological and economic warfare assessments conducted by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Under the new law, surveillance-prone US citizens conditioned to peaceful UFO encounters may also find themselves facing elevated government hostilities due to equivalent perceptions of such ideological immunity along with their participation in the development of peace-centric communities.
Newly-released analysis of witness testimony from the 1976 Tehran UFO incident reveals an encrypted message showing how a retired Air Force General involuntarily identified the “alien” origin of his close encounter in what the US Defense Intelligence Agency described as a “classic” UFO case.
According to a new video, UFO’s can be distinguished from conventional aircraft by vibrant pulsating infrared light emissions when observed through night vision devices. This conclusion validates observations conducted in Southwestern British Columbia in early 2011 where video evidence (scheduled for release in 2012) shows pulsating infrared light emissions from a UFO that multiple witnesses claim displayed no variance in luminous intensity when seen in visible light.
The latest installment on legendary YouTube channel seeingUFOsPA contrasts landing lights from commercial jet airliners and military helicopters with something “unlike anything ever seen” by one witness, described in the video as a Tactical Intelligence Surveillance Expert from the Pennsylvania State Police. In addition to substantial instrumental evidence, Murrysville, PA videographer Alison Kruse cites what the US Federal Aviation Administration calls a “PA UFO” in reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Ms. Kruse described her ground-breaking research and public outreach initiative to The Secret Message Report in a 65 minute podcast interview.
Former Russian spy Anna Chapman’s unconscious communications revealed hidden intelligence including the name of an accomplice along with occult dimensions of her spy ring’s command structure according to a study released in Vancouver, British Columbia. The report was issued as the Federal Bureau of Investigation raised the grave spectre of an invigorated Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), stating that Ms. Chapman and her accomplices, considered “cream of the crop”, represented a “new breed of illegal operative” whose covert activities were ended last year “before classified information changed hands.” Responding to a Freedom of Information Act Request, the FBI on October 31, 2011 released video from hidden camera surveillance of Ms. Chapman recorded during their nearly decade-long “Ghost Stories” investigation that led to the arrest of the spy ring.
According to a new edition of The Secret Message Report, secret encrypted messages reveal how elements of the intercepted espionage effort were consistent with a covert agenda involving both international and domestic MKULTRA-like “ghost” operatives in North America. One source describes how MKULTRA was the codename for an illegal operation run by the Central Intelligence Agency’s Office of Scientific Intelligence in which subjects were subjected to torture, including sexual abuse, in order to partition their minds for use as Manchurian Candidate-type assassins. In 2007, the Government of Canada faced victims seeking a class action lawsuit for its role in allowing Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron (whose assistant was father to former Spouse of the Prime Minister of Canada, Mila Mulroney) to use the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University to further the ethically void CIA “Frankenscience.”
The Canadian report describes how secret messages encrypted backwards in the remarks of Ms. Chapman were identified when the audio soundtrack from her video interview for New York Entrepreneur Week featured on TechCrunchTV was reflected through a digital mirror and monitored in reverse playback. This study used voice-based disclosure technology known to readers of for revealing unconscious secrets from the spoken testimonies of UFO witnesses and to international audiences for revealing geographic and strategic intelligence pertaining to the Iraq War. According to the podcast report, secret messages from the unconscious voice of Anna Chapman refer to a person named “Tim” and link that name with a “Vegas drop.” The messages also include descriptions of “sorcery” and a “master” who “walks with the dead.”
UFO phenomena may provide insight into higher dimensional realities such as those invoked by Buddhist philosophy describing various dimensional Lokas and their occupants, the Devas. In his book, Freeing the Buddha, Vancouver UFO Meetup Group founding Director and UFOBC Research Associate Brian Ruhe argues that some UFO's “are devas from the god realm who have the power to manifest themselves as unidentified flying objects, when and where they choose.” The book describes how, “It behoves us to develop a conscious relationship with the devas before we spend billions of dollars travelling to other planets. Everything is here, within the reach of our own consciousness if we practice meditation.” Mr. Ruhe explored this theory along with a wide variety of UFO-related topics during an interview on The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition released Tuesday, August 9, 2011.
Click on the player below to listen to a one hour interview with Vancouver UFO Meetup Group Director Brian Ruhe on The Secret Message Report-Podcast Edition, with host, former CBS Radio Feature Producer, Jon Kelly.
Was President Kennedy an alien abductee? Secrets behind President John F. Kennedy's written demands for UFO intelligence from the CIA as reported in Britain's Daily Mail will be disclosed on a new TV show this Friday night, predicts one local expert. Canadian journalist Jon Kelly says that audience participants who study the president's November 14, 1963 press conference audio track in reverse will be able to detect messages further defining ET influence on the political leadership of North America. Mr. Kelly cites multiple examples of how other political leaders' secret messages including President Barack Obama, President Jimmy Carter and Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe seem to suggest that North America's political elite have personal knowledge of UFO's and alien abduction. A three-hour special explores President Kennedy's Secret UFO Messages on The Disclosure Show, a new program produced in Vancouver and distributed via that airs live Friday, April 22, 2011 from 7:00-10:00 pm PST, 10:00 pm-1:00 am EST.
The Disclosure Show's host, Vancouver UFO Examiner Jon Kelly, operates his own clinical practice in Vancouver, British Columbia where an international clientele utilizes the sound of the human voice to access resources for emotional wellness, creativity and mental clarity. One of Mr. Kelly's clients has described how their personal session was a “turning point” in which they were able to utilize the sounds of messages encrypted backwards in their voice to release “fear and apprehension” contributing to anxiety and high blood pressure. Reclaiming personal power through the session became what they described as “the first step in reclaiming my life”. The wellness philosophy and principles guiding the success of this clinical practice are founded in Mr. Kelly's decades-long studies in yoga meditation.
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The Disclosure Show is supported by the supporters of the Truth Movement. All proceeds go to support the Truth Movement. Episodes of the show can be viewed live for $9.95 or from on-demand archives for $4.95 at:
Jon Kelly is a world famous speech analyst who released key intelligence pertaining to the Iraq War two years in advance of the “Shock and Awe” strikes against Baghdad in 2003. His discoveries of encrypted communications within human speech have been featured in USA Today, Coast to Coast AM, the Huffington Post, Fox News, CBS Radio and Television, CBC, BBC London, Deutschlandradio Berlin, AOL News, UFO Digest and A former CBS Radio feature producer, Jon is also a meditation practitioner whose formal training under yogic monks began while studying music in New York. As a visual artist, Jon creates photographs documenting the liberating influence of Sanskrit mantras upon the natural environment. Jon’s videos of UFOs also provide compelling evidence for the role of ET encounters in the transformation of human consciousness. As host ofThe Disclosure Show, Jon will lead participants in a fascinating journey to detect secret messages encrypted backwards in the spoken remarks of famous news makers.
More about The Disclosure Show
The Disclosure Show is a series of three-hour live specials on hosted by Vancouver, BC journalist Jon Kelly. This new, innovative investigative show on one of the Internet’s leading independent television news networks attempts to gather news intelligence by utilizing audio Disclosure technology to identify secret messages encrypted backwards in human speech.
Every show, the host leads participants on an extended concentrated listening exercise studying recordings of speech that have been digitally mirrored and slowed down for playback. Monitoring reverse playback increases cognitive load and can result in lucid impressions of unconscious communications describing distant events of the past, present and future. Participants can note their questions and observations in the live chat or call in to the show’s toll-free number to voice their opinions. That number is 1 888 453 0751. During the final part of the show, the host summarizes what has been revealed through his own expert observations in light of participant feedback from audience members.
Topics for each special reflect spiritual, world news, paranormal, wellness, educational and UFO subjects.
Unconscious references to ET contact were detected in the statements of key political figures during an analysis of last night's Canadian leadership debate. While responding to a question from Gibsons, BC resident Len Gould regarding crime and safety, Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe involuntarily disclosed information in the form of an encrypted narrative describing his unconscious recollection of a naked encounter with “little brown aliens”. The secret message parallels covert remarks from a former US president commenting on the 2007 presidential debates, indicating how alien abduction colours the personal history of political leaders in both countries. Detection of secret alien abduction histories as revealed in these studies underscores how the application of a robust Disclosure technology for access to unconscious intelligence regarding the nature of UFO encounters is instrumental in charting the future of G20 nations and NATO partners. This story is the subject of a new article in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for
Public response has been overwhelmingly positive towards ECETI Ranch's legal bid to defeat what they describe as “discrimination, bias and harassment” from local county officials. Online fund raising website reports how the ECETI fund is expected to achieve 100% to target as of today. James Gilliland, founder of Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence, described the “extreme gratitude” he felt having launched the effort only 48 hours earlier. The internationally famous UFO ranch is a popular destination for Canadians including Vancouver region residents seeking information about spiritual consciousness and phenomena in a harmonious setting that attracts scientists, celebrities, engineers and educators from around the world. Mr. Gilliland spoke to this reporter this morning and the 60 minute interview is now available as a new episode of The Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition.
Vice Admiral William E. Gortney unconsciously suggested the role of a “spaceship” during today's Pentagon briefing concerning what is now being described as "NATO-led military operations in Libya". The coded communication was only the most recent in a series of disclosures from US Navy commanders documented by a Vancouver audio lab detecting secret messages encrypted backwards within the spoken reports. During Tuesday's briefing, Admiral Samuel Locklear involuntarily described how the “saucer of a grey alien” played a role in the "Odyssey Dawn" conflict as well. Exclusive audio documenting these covert communications is featured in a new article in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for
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